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5.10.24 Workout of the Day

5.10.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Mexican Mother’s Day from your Red Friday Classes! 🇺🇸🇲🇽

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

“Functional Pump Friday”
Team of 3, For time
1000 m row or run (together)
150 reps bodyweight bench press, as a team.

[After the row/run, each athlete completes an absolute max set of bodyweight bench press. After each athlete completes their set, you all row/run again. After the row/run you pick up where you left off until the 150 reps are complete.]

  Team of 2, For time
  20 total rounds
12 KBS (53/35)
12 Burpees

-800 m single KB partner carry buy in and out.-   

Split work however you want. 800m farmer carry is the loop & both partners run together taking turns carrying the KB.

5.11.24 Workout of the Day

5.11.24 Workout of the Day

5.9.24 Workout of the Day

5.9.24 Workout of the Day