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5.24.24 Workout of the Day

5.24.24 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Maria!

Red Friday’s
Wear your RED & Remember Everyone Deployed.

Box Brief
  Memorial Day Murph, Sandbar Saturday & BeachBum Sprint Triathlon/Duathlon signups are on lobby whiteboard. Please signup so we can plan accordingly.

6-4-2 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)
3-2-1 Rope Climbs

Scoring: Every time you complete a set of 6-4-2/3-2-1 that will count as 1 round.

Friday Finisher
4 sets for quality
10 Barbell Bicep Curls
10 DB Trciep Extentions
:30 Bar hang/ hollow body hold

10 RFT
100 m run
15 Double DB DL (50/35’s)
100 m run
15 Bumper Abmat sit-ups (25/15)
-rest 1 minute-

-Goal is sub 2:30 rounds. SPRINT the runs to earn the 1 minute rest!-

5.25.24 Workout of the Day

5.25.24 Workout of the Day

5.23.24 Workout of the Day

5.23.24 Workout of the Day